At IsraelFest this year, we will remember those lost since October 7th, while embracing the vibrancy of Israel.
Come dance with us to Israeli music, engage in family activities, discover Israeli products, and savor international Jewish cuisine!
Plus, we are celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Sid Jacobson JCC’s Randie Waldbaum Malinsky Center for Israel!
We will never forget — Am Yisrael Chai!
IsraelFest is free and open to the community, all are welcome!
We believe in the power of collaboration and the strength that comes from working together towards a common goal. Our esteemed partners reflect the spirit of unity and solidarity within our community. If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact Dagan Cohen at 516.484.1545 ext. 115 or rcfidirector@sjjcc.org.
If you are interested in being a vendor at IsraelFest, please contact Dagan Cohen, RCFI Director at 516.484.1545 ext. 115 or rcfidirector@sjjcc.org.
IsraelFest is made possible thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. For more information on becoming a sponsor, click on the button below or contact Francine Stephens, Director of Development at 516.484.1545 ext. 281 or fstephens@sjjcc.org.
JCC Association Yamim
The Jewish Agency
Randie Waldbaum Malinsky Center for Israel
Scott Jaffee
James Krantz
Mid Island Y JCC
Harvey C. Marx
The Suffolk Y JCC
Birthright Israel
Commonpoint Queens
Barry & Florence Friedberg JCC
Hybrid Capital Inc.
Jewish National Fund
Marion & Aaron Gural JCC
Todd Richman
Shelter Rock Jewish Center
Boots for Israel
Jewish Community Relations Council of Long Island
NAOT Footwear
Schechter School of Long Island
Shevet Gefen
We thank our partners for all of their support for IsraelFest. If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact Dagan Cohen at 516.484.1545 ext. 115 or rcfidirector@sjjcc.org.
The Community Synagogue
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation Simchat HaLev
Dix Hills Jewish Center
Merrick Jewish Center
Midway Jewish Center
North Country Reform Temple
North Shore Synagogue
Plainview Jewish Center
Port Jewish Center
Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore
Temple Beth El Huntington
Temple Beth Israel – Port Washington
Temple Beth Sholom of Roslyn
Temple Beth Torah Melville
Temple Israel of Great Neck
Temple Israel of Riverhead
Temple Judea
Temple Sinai of Roslyn
Temple Tikvah
Be a part of something special by helping out at the event! We have volunteer opportunities available for all shifts throughout the day. For more information, contact Linda Samet, Supervisor of Volunteer Services at 516.484.1545 ext. 149 or lsamet@sjjcc.org.