Learn to play this fun game using the official rules of the National Mah Jongg League. Classes are taught in-person in the cafe or weather permitting, on the cafe patio. Masks mandatory. 6 sessions Begins Monday, April 12, 11am-1:30pm $120 members / $160 nonmembers Advance registration required.
Floor-based workout that increases core strength and flexibility. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email fitness@sjjcc.org.
Ages: 16-24 months Enjoy music, movement, and crafts in this Parent + Me class. Please bring a small peanut free snack for your child to enjoy during story time. $175 members / $185 nonmembers per child
Alignment-based slow, flow yoga. Utilizes traditional postures to develop strength, balance and flexibility. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email fitness@sjjcc.org.
Get a cardio workout with the strength and resistance of boxing. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email fitness@sjjcc.org.
Join others who knit and crochet and craft alongside like-minded community members to create blankets and other projects for donation. Please confirm attendance so we can create a safe socially distanced space. For more information, contact Wendy Levy, wlevy@sjjcc.org.
Share stories and laughs as we knit and crochet virtually to help those in our community. To join, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82549848284?pwd=eGxVQ0w4bkdVSHNHalp6NXI1MFVhZz09 (password is sjjcc300)
Learn the rules, strategies, and scoring with hands-on play of this intriguing and challenging game. Classes are taught in-person in the cafe or weather permitting, on the cafe patio. Masks mandatory. 6 sessions Begins Thursday, April 15 10am-12:30pm $120 members / $160 nonmembers Advance registration required.
Ages: 16-24 months Enjoy music, movement, and crafts in this Parent + Me class. Please bring a small peanut free snack for your child to enjoy during story time. $175 members / $185 nonmembers per child
Ages: 5-10 months Enjoy music, movement, and crafts in this Parent + Me class. Please bring a small peanut free snack for your child to enjoy during story time. $120 members / $130 nonmembers per child
Learn the rules, strategies, and scoring with hands-on play of this intriguing and challenging game with instructor Judy Umansky. Classes are taught in-person in the cafe or weather permitting, on the cafe patio. Masks mandatory. $120 members / $160 nonmembers
Learn the rules, strategies, and scoring with hands-on play of this intriguing and challenging game with instructor Judy Umansky. Classes are taught in-person in the cafe or weather permitting, on the cafe patio. Masks mandatory. $120 members / $160 nonmembers
Workout virtually with Natalie on exercises that emphasize flexibility and strength with the goal of avoiding joint stress. All virtual fitness programs are open to active members only and 24-hour advance registration is required. Once you register, you will receive a link and passcode exclusive to you to enter the class.
Alignment-based slow, flow yoga. Utilizes traditional postures to develop strength, balance and flexibility. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email fitness@sjjcc.org.
A Latin-inspired dance class incorporating various moves and music to burn calories and have fun. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email fitness@sjjcc.org.
Develop body awareness and improve balance while strengthening core and muscles. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email fitness@sjjcc.org.
A 12-step program that offers physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery for those who suffer from compulsive eating. To join, visit https://zoom.us/j/774646690?pwd=NHVwWm5FdCtKNDNqalVsMWpMbEM3QT09 (password is 535356)