A former NCAA D1 player, Coach Khadim has led the New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets basketball camp, Chinese basketball camp in over ten cities, and has planned, organized and conducted practice sessions with the NBA. At SJJCC, he’s known for instructing individuals and groups in sports rules, game strategies, and performance principles, such as […]
Learn the fundamentals of basketball while working one-on-one with a typical peer buddy. 14 sessions $108 / members $90 For more information or to register, contact Cynthia Harrypersaud, 516.484.1545 ext. 205, charrypersaud@sjjcc.org.
Learn the fundamentals of basketball while working one-on-one with a typical peer buddy. 14 sessions $108 / members $90 For more information or to register, contact Cynthia Harrypersaud, 516.484.1545 ext. 205, charrypersaud@sjjcc.org.
Spend zman mishpacha (family time) with your favorite Israeli shirim (songs), sfarim (books), and mischakim (childhood games) with our Shinshin Ben Levi! $15 members per family / $20 nonmembers per family
What does it take to lead? It’s a winning combination of desire, commitment and skill. What is an authentic leader, and how does one achieve leadership? Are leaders born? Or can a leader evolve through experience? The concepts of Kabbalah may hold the truth and wisdom for you to discover just how it happens, and […]
Use your handcrafting skills to make a difference in someone’s life through knitting, crocheting, and sewing. All levels welcome. Instruction is available.
What does it take to lead? It’s a winning combination of desire, commitment and skill. What is an authentic leader, and how does one achieve leadership? Are leaders born? Or can a leader evolve through experience? The concepts of Kabbalah may hold the truth and wisdom for you to discover just how it happens, and […]
Support our military men, women, and families through letter writing and/or coupon clipping. A Million Thanks provides support and appreciation to our active and veteran military men and women through written letters. The Support Our Troops® Troopons® program enhances the well-being of overseas and domestic military families by sending them manufacturer's coupons for food, non-food, […]
Our fun and easy approach will have you doing the Salsa, swing, tango, and more! Basic dance steps required. Taught by Pam Arcuri. 4 sessions $80 members / $100 nonmembers
When it comes to your life who’s pulling the strings? Believe it or not, it should be… you. Take charge of your life, your relationships, your future. It’s at your fingertips if you know the rules.Learn those rules of life at Intro to Kabbalah. Find happiness, health, inner peace and love by opening your heart […]