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Our EarlyBirdCapital Gymnasium will be closed from 12-3pm on Sunday, March 2 for our Maccabi basketball tryouts. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Our EarlyBirdCapital Gymnasium will be closed from 12-3pm on Sunday, March 2 for our Maccabi basketball tryouts. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Kabbalah Focus Series: Leadership (in Hebrew)

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

What does it take to lead? It’s a winning combination of desire, commitment and skill. What is an authentic leader, and how does one achieve leadership? Are leaders born? Or can a leader evolve through experience? The concepts of Kabbalah may hold the truth and wisdom for you to discover just how it happens, and […]

Event Series Adult Fitness Swim

Adult Fitness Swim

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

Need an extra push to build your endurance, strength or stroke? Must be able to swim 50 yards (2 laps) consecutively. 12 sessions $355 / members $250

Event Series Military Family Coupon Clipping

Military Family Coupon Clipping

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

Support our military men, women, and families through letter writing and/or coupon clipping. A Million Thanks provides support and appreciation to our active and veteran military men and women through written letters. The Support Our Troops® Troopons® program enhances the well-being of overseas and domestic military families by sending them manufacturer's coupons for food, non-food, […]