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Event Series Virtual: Knitzvah

Virtual: Knitzvah

Virtual NY

Share stories and laughs as we knit and crochet virtually to help those in our community. To join, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82549848284?pwd=eGxVQ0w4bkdVSHNHalp6NXI1MFVhZz09 (password is sjjcc300)

Event Series Outdoor: Bonne Cardio Sculpt

Outdoor: Bonne Cardio Sculpt

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

Get a total body workout that will tighten and tone in all the right places. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email fitness@sjjcc.org.

Event Series Outdoor: Spin with Jill

Outdoor: Spin with Jill

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

Get your heart pumping on our spin bikes. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email fitness@sjjcc.org.