Our EarlyBirdCapital Gymnasium will be closed from 12-3pm on Sunday, March 2 for our Maccabi basketball tryouts. The Kroll Family Aquatics Center will be closed from 1-6pm for a swim meet. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Our EarlyBirdCapital Gymnasium will be closed from 12-3pm on Sunday, March 2 for our Maccabi basketball tryouts. The Kroll Family Aquatics Center will be closed from 1-6pm for a swim meet. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Workout virtually with Natalie on exercises that emphasize flexibility and strength with the goal of avoiding joint stress. All virtual fitness programs are open to active members only and 24-hour […]
Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States
Alignment-based slow, flow yoga. Utilizes traditional postures to develop strength, balance and flexibility. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your […]
Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States
A Latin-inspired dance class incorporating various moves and music to burn calories and have fun. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To […]
A 12-step program that offers physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery for those who suffer from compulsive eating. To join, visit https://zoom.us/j/774646690?pwd=NHVwWm5FdCtKNDNqalVsMWpMbEM3QT09 (password is 535356)