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Event Series Virtual: Knitzvah

Virtual: Knitzvah

Virtual NY

Share stories and laughs as we knit and crochet virtually to help those in our community. To join, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82549848284?pwd=eGxVQ0w4bkdVSHNHalp6NXI1MFVhZz09 (password is sjjcc300)

Event Series Outdoor: Bonne Cardio Sculpt

Outdoor: Bonne Cardio Sculpt

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

Get a total body workout that will tighten and tone in all the right places. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email fitness@sjjcc.org.

Indoor: Let’s Give Thanks (Thursday Series)

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

Ages: 18-24 months Join us for a special Parent + Me class that will include music, movement, and a craft with a Thanksgiving fall theme. Please bring a small peanut-free snack for your child to enjoy during story time. All teachers will be wearing masks, we ask that all adults wear masks throughout the whole […]