Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States
A blend of yoga and barre that focuses on strengthening and toning, plus core exercises. Classes are open to SJJCC members, 16+ years. Advance registration required by clicking here.
Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States
REIMAGINING INDEPENDENCE WORKSHOP Social Smarts and Social Skills: Helping Our Children Have Social Success Gain insights into the rights you and your neurodivergent loved ones have, and learn practical tools to foster a cooperative relationship with service providers, with Dr. Steven Baron, Psy.D.
Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States
Strengthens the entire body with both cardio exercise and strength training. Classes are open to SJJCC members, 16+ years. Advance registration required by clicking here.