Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States
Learn bridge in a small group setting with individualized attention from ACBL Certified Bridge Teacher Elliot Diamond. Some knowledge of bridge is needed, either from our 101 class or from playing before. $225 members / $280 nonmembers
Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States
Learn bridge in a small group setting with individualized attention from ACBL Certified Bridge Teacher Elliot Diamond. No previous knowledge of bridge is needed! $225 members / $280 nonmembers
Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States
Learn basic yoga moves with a slow guided flow. Classes are open to active members only, ages 16+ years. Advance registration is required. To reserve your spot, email