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On display March-April (you do not need to be a member to visit, click here to view our building hours)

Sourced from an ongoing creative journey toward healing that began after a bout with cancer, these 100% analog collages play with the usual to create the unusual. Handmade from magazines, books, and assorted paper media, each piece is meticulously crafted using scissors, blades, adhesives, and a range of emotions.

I have no outcome in mind when I sit down to collage. I grab images that grab me and start cutting. Along the way, my instincts tell me what to put together, and I play around until they tell me I’m finished. All my work is analog, a welcome break from screens and devices.

Seemingly out of nowhere one day my freshman year of college, I started cutting up magazines and sticking images on my wall. I had no idea what I was doing, but it was a blast, like fitting together pieces from different puzzles. Eventually, that wall was covered.

Over the years, outside of a couple brief stints, collages were few and far between. At the end of 2020, I was diagnosed with cancer. By the spring, I sorely needed something to lift my spirits and decided to collage in earnest. I gathered supplies and got to it, giving new life to paper media while the world dispenses with it.

As a little boy, I would come home from school, fight off my backpack, and burst to the desk in the den where I would grab paper, scissors, tape, markers, crayons, etc. and make stuff in a flurry until dinner. When I collage, I feel like that little boy again.

100% of proceeds benefit Sid Jacobson JCC’s Nancy Marx Cancer Wellness Center

Meet Kevin and hear the stories behind his artwork!
Sunday, March 23, 1-2:30pm

Jaime Teich

Associate Executive Director, Marketing + Communications

(516) 484-1545 x214

Bringing to life SJJCC’s creative vision for nearly 6 years, resident storyteller Jaime Teich oversees the Marketing, Communications, and Design teams that create the most effective ways to get our…

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