Build Strength. Build Resistance.
With our revolutionary Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization and MERV 13 filters, we are the only full-service center on the North Shore with heated outdoor, indoor, and virtual programs! For more information on our safety and cleaning measures, click here.
“I have been a member of SJJCC for over 30 years. On April 9, 2020, I checked myself into the hospital with alleged COVID-19 symptoms. I tested positive immediately and was placed in an ICU unit for treatment. During the next eight days I had time to reflect on my life. For the past eight years, I’ve used the facility at SJJCC for an average of five to six times a week. I am 80 years old and the statistical chances of my survival were not good. By having a physically fit body and mind along with the treatment provided me only enhanced my chances of recovery and survival. I strongly urge everyone to join SJJCC or if you are already a member to exercise as much as possible. Being physically fit will only help your ability to overcome many illnesses. I now realize that my life mattered and so does your life matter.” — Robert Trager, DDS